Got exactly what I ordered, free and fast shipping here in the US, great holster and service! Thank you Warriorland!
this is my review, there are many like it, but this one is mine. the five stars is my best friend, it is my life. i must master it as i masturbate. my review, without me, is useless. without my review, i am useless. i must type correct spelling true. i must type faster than my computer who is trying to force a system update. i must type this before my laptop dies. i will. my review and myself knows that what counts in this world wide web is not the stars we click, the noise of our keyboards, nor the joke we make. we know that it is the laughs that count. we will not bomb jokes. my review is human, even as i, because it is my laugh. thus i will learn it as a bother, i will learn its weaknesses, its strength, its parts, its accessories, its sights, and its buttons. i will ever guard it against the ravages of weather and damage, as i will ever guard my legs my arms my eyes and my heart against emotional damage.. i will keep my review clean and ready. we will become part of each other, we will. before google i swear this giggle. my review and myself are defenders of my dumb ideas. we are the masters of our keyboard warriors. we are the savours of the flavours. so be it until victory is america's and there is no enemy but ai bots! oh and the kydex holster was good, perfect fit for my taurus g3, clicks right into place like it was custom fit, and works snugly as a in-waistband carry holster for ccw or just open carry. although be warned that as a man i have love handles and a doughey physique, so it makes it a lil hard to wear it properly because of my muffin top over my wranglers. for official carrying purposes, either law enforcement or self defense 2A, well its just super and great. easy click clunk into place, easy draw, makes quite the nice kit for my right hip. get it, it's cheaper than fast food! calvin~